Click here to go to my website dedicated to fertility, infertility and IVF
Acupuncture and herbal medicine have been used for thousands of years to relax and revitalise the body. People having acupuncture typically report feeling more positive.
Stress can affect the functioning of the hypothalamus, the gland in the brain that regulates the appetite, emotions, and the hormones required to release the eggs in a woman and produce testosterone in a man. If a couple are feeling stressed, they may feel less interested in having sex or may not have sex as often, which isn’t going to promote pregnancy. When the effect of stress on a woman’s normal hormone levels is severe, it can result in ovulation later in the cycle than usual or not at all. This condition is called stress-induced anovulation.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic form of treatment. It treats the whole of the person – body, mind and spirit – not medical symptoms. It treats people as individuals and gives them support that is necessary for them, not some generalized form of treatment that suits only some people.
Infertility and IVF – Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Western Medical Approach
Modern research is proving what acupuncturists have known for centuries. You can look at some of this research into infertility and IVF by clicking on the two links below
Female Infertility
Male infertility
However, Western medicine is reductionist in its approach; it zooms in on individual symptoms, gives them names, and tries to fix them. The Traditional Chinese Medicine approach is to zoom out and collect a myriad of facts about how a person is functioning. In this way, practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine are able to help restore balance and promote physical and emotional harmony, treating any imbalances at the root.
Acupuncturists treat people, not medical labels.
Feel free to call and ask me about other patients’ experiences with acupuncture, infertility and IVF support to give you an idea of what to expect. Many people return to acupuncture again and again because they find it so beneficial.
To read about how previous clients have felt I have helped them with infertility and IVF, click on the Testimonials button to the left.
Recommended Timescales for Treatment
The number of treatments you require will depend on many factors including upon your age and your constitution.
Infertility and IVF Testimonials
“My first consultation with Paul was based on a recommendation made by another couple. They strongly believed acupuncture and Paul’s calm manner had helped them immensely.
From the first time I met Paul I was made to feel at ease with his professional manner. He took a detailed history and did not focus on the infertility but on me as a whole person, something Western medicine does not do. The treatment helped me relax and gave me a positive focus.
I am truly grateful to have found Paul and for the treatment he gave me and could give you.”
Ali, midwife, 33
“Paul has been treating me throughout my pregnancy and I feel amazing. I am in no doubt that this is due to his ongoing care and positive mental attitude.
I would have no hesitation in recommending Paul.”
Jo, 35, Investment Management Director
“I feel extremely lucky to have found Paul. Paul was calm, reassuring, positive and knowledgeable about the benefits and treatment, which is most encouraging. My time with him every week was a great time to relax and think positively about the process and Paul creates an environment that allows you to do that.”
Fiona, 37
“Having conceived my son very quickly, I assumed that falling pregnant for a second time would also be straightforward. But as the months ticked by and it just didn’t happen, I became increasingly stressed about the situation and this anxiety was compounded by my concern that these very feelings were making it even harder for me to conceive. I felt that I was caught in a vicious circle which was becoming all-consuming. I knew how lucky I was to already have a healthy son, but I desperately wanted another child and the more time went by, the more obsessed I became.
It was at this point that I began acupuncture sessions with Paul in a bid to regain a sense of perspective and to try to relax about it all. I was immediately struck by Paul’s reassuring, calming manner; he was very understanding and supportive and I felt a great sense of relief to be doing something to address the situation I was in. The treatment was very relaxing and left me feeling serene and back in control of my feelings.
It felt as though Paul had waved a magic wand – I’m in no doubt that his skill was central to my body relaxing and rejuvenating itself and I cannot recommend him highly enough.”
Vicky, 32, housewife
“I first experienced acupuncture after I had been trying for a year to conceive my first baby. When my husband and I decided we felt ready to start our family we had hoped it would happen very quickly. I was fortunate to fall pregnant in the first month of trying, but sadly miscarried. After a further year of trying with out success I started to research more into the routes we could take in our desire to have children. Having had blood tests done and my tubes checked and my husbands sperm count checked, all of which came back fine, we decided to give acupuncture a go.
After spending some time searching online I came across Paul’s website and immediately booked an appointment to see him. Within a couple of sessions of acupuncture with Paul I immediately felt more relaxed and able to deal with trying to conceive better than I was. I just felt better and more confident we would have a family.
I highly recommend Paul, who is very calm and positive and makes you feel more positive yourself.”
Jo, 34, Accountant